all postcodes in HP22 / PRINCES RISBOROUGH

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP22 4AA 7 0 51.852086 -0.871008
HP22 4AB 3 0 51.855884 -0.868771
HP22 4AD 6 1 51.86022 -0.878464
HP22 4AE 2 0 51.864066 -0.889508
HP22 4AF 3 0 51.875438 -0.924026
HP22 4AG 2 0 51.863337 -0.899067
HP22 4AH 3 0 51.870602 -0.908753
HP22 4AJ 4 0 51.874577 -0.914444
HP22 4AL 6 0 51.880006 -0.908386
HP22 4AN 11 3 51.873382 -0.898241
HP22 4AP 29 0 51.875033 -0.914215
HP22 4AQ 2 1 51.867748 -0.896694
HP22 4AR 33 2 51.874561 -0.916566
HP22 4AS 13 0 51.873836 -0.916002
HP22 4AT 17 0 51.873221 -0.915581
HP22 4AW 15 1 51.875355 -0.914963
HP22 4AX 10 0 51.873439 -0.916839
HP22 4AY 25 0 51.875523 -0.919549
HP22 4AZ 14 0 51.874792 -0.920221
HP22 4BA 24 0 51.87567 -0.921841